Tabbs Creek Baptist Church recently invited us to speak at their opening night of VBS. The children were collecting new tennis shoes for our Christmas Shoes for Guatemala Project. Their goal was 50 pairs of shoes. David Varner, Founder of His Hands International spoke to the children and adults about how some children in Guatemala do not have shoes.
David also spoke about how listening to the Holy Spirits still quiet voice and obeying, God can do great things through you. He gave the example of how the Christmas Shoes Project started by taking a photo of a little girls feet, and now countless pairs of shoes have been placed on needy feet. Then how later that little girl became their daughter unexpectedly 7 years later. Then David moved on to the current water crisis in the village of Limones and talked about how they have plans to repair the wells and needed to raise some money to do that.
As David spoke, the Holy Spirit was working on Miley Thompson’s heart. Miley is 8 years old. She told her mom that she wanted to donate her $25 that she had been saving to help give children in Guatemala clean water. Not only did Miley donate her $25, but she challenged her family and friends to match her. Miley’s $25 donation was matched with an additional $225! Way to go Miley!
Now I want to ask you, if an 8 year old can hear and obey the Holy Spirit, what is your excuse? Listen, then act!
We are HIS hands, to do HIS work, to bring HIM the Glory!