A WOW God Moment!


 You know how we go through life sometimes on auto pilot?  Routine things like checking out at Walmart become just part of the normal routine.  Well, not this time.  As I glanced up to see how many more shoes we had left on the belt, I realized that standing in front of me, was the little girl that the Lord used to inspire this project 9 years ago.  Countless pairs of shoes have been placed on little feet because of her.

Now 9 years later she is living with our family, and continuing to help us in our ministry outreach in Guatemala.  Later this year during her summer break she will return with us to help give out these shoes.  My prayer is that the Lord will continue to use her and her story will inspire others to step up and be a blessing to someone in need.

We are blessed to be a blessing!  If you would like to help us with this project and others, please click the donate button and consider making a one time or a monthly contribution to our ministry.