I hear so often that folks are glad 2020 is behind them. As Christians we need to be living everyday for Jesus, regardless of what is going on around us. We are that beacon of hope for others to see Jesus in and through us. How can folks see Jesus if we are all worried about our circumstances. Yes, this last year brought sickness, death, hurricanes, political unrest, job losses, food shortages, toiletry shortages, and so much more….just like any other year somewhere in the world. Only this year it was the entire planet.
As a Christian my life along with my families life, have pretty much been the same. Different in many ways, but overall the same. We did not fret and fear, but adapted to the quickly changing world. If you did not have a TV or did not know what was going on in the world, at least according to the TV anchors, your life would have been pretty much the same, because you didn’t know any different. I want to give you an example. Look at these photos below, what do you see?

You see happy smiling children. Why are these children so happy? These children all live in extreme poverty. They have to go and fetch their water from one of our community sinks. They have to go and gather fire wood to cook with. Their homes, some made with concrete block, most with dirt floors, walls made of sticks and twine, and roofs with rusty tin and plastic. They have no running water in their homes, which means no bathrooms other than an outhouse, which also means no hot showers or baths. Most don’t even now what a bathtub is. These children have no toys to play with, no smartphones, tablets, or video games, and most no TV’s. So just how can these children smile and be happy. If we loose internet for 5 minutes we panic, if our children don’t have the latest this or that….well you know.
It’s all about PERSPECTIVE. Perspective is defined as the way you see something. These children have a fresh and innocent perspective. Over my 16 years working in Guatemala the Lord has taught me to have a different perspective. A perspective from the eyes of Jesus. What does Jesus see? How will Jesus respond? This is the perspective we all should adopt into our lives. I have said on my blog on social media, turn off the news, stop fretting about all the evil in this world, and turn your eyes on Jesus. Jesus, and only Jesus is the answer. If our focus and perspective is through the eyes of Jesus, then we too can have the joy these children do, even when it seems all hope is gone. They are unaware they are poor because they have a different perspective. Change your perspective. Ask the Lord to give you HIS eyes to see the world in a whole new way. He will, I know!

I never get tired of being the hands and feet of Jesus in Guatemala. Each and every trip from the time my feet hit the ground, until the time I am back on my return flight home, I am constantly on the go. My time is so precious and I want to make every moment count. Looking back over these past few trips, I am just amazed at what God did, and continues to do through us. God has blessed us with some wonderful donors that have enabled us to keep moving forward. As we take a step of faith, God provides, and multiplies. As we feed the masses in Jesus name, our supplies never run out, everyone is fed and some have seconds and thirds. And always, we have some left.

God continues to show HIS faithfulness to us as we take each step of faith, God is there. Our Christmas Shoes Project is near and dear to my heart. Over these last 16 years, we have given out countless thousands of pairs of shoes. These last several years as our faith has increased, our boxes of shoes keep miraculously multiplying. Every single child, and adult got a pair of shoes this past December. And when it was all done, we had 12 boxes of shoes left over. Can you see God in this ministry? This is what happens when you have a God centered perspective. He shows up, and shows you what HE did!

What happens when your road is washed out from the recent flooding? You have no money to fix it, and the government has bigger problems than your road, which will not get to this for a long time, if ever. You cut a log and make do.

But what happens when God sends someone with a message of hope, and eyes that see as Jesus sees. We bless in Jesus name, providing the pipe, dirt, rocks, and concrete to fix the road. The men of the community come together like we have never seen before, and together rebuild the road for their community. The love of Jesus is a powerful thing when others see Jesus in you. We are blessed to be a blessing!

Years ago, I watched a movie for children called Robots. It is a really cute movie with some good moral lessons. One such lesson the main character who was an inventor liked to help people (other robots) and fix stuff. “See a need, fill a need” he said. Isn’t this something Jesus would do? Give a drink, feed, cloth, and heal. See a need, fill a need. One such need I saw was young children walking across our field from the neighboring village, to fill up water jug after water jug. Children pictured above. Since this field is now ours, we can fill this need. So we asked the folks in that village to help us by digging a trench, and we would bring water to the other side and install a sink. Without hesitation, they grabbed whatever digging tools they had and went to work opening up a ditch for our lines. Once we installed everything and tested it out, they returned to close everything back up.

In addition to the water line, we were able to put in our bio-digester septic tank and gray water leach well. This will serve as our septic system for the clinic and the entire future ministry campus. Once again, we are blessed with so many volunteers from the village that we were able to bless for their hard work.

Our medical clinic is coming along. Little by little as God provides through HIS faithful givers, we make advancements. We were able to purchase nice seating that is easily cleaned, installed a TV for educational and informational videos while the folks wait, and redid some of the electrical system. We have a new desk and counter being made where babies will be weighed and measured.

I can go on and on how God is blessing us and enabling us to be a blessing to so many families. We are extremely grateful to those who pray for us and give financially. God knows who you are, and HE is pleased!

Have a Jesus centered perspective, focus on HIM, and not this world, and you just might end up changing it! We are HIS hands, to do HIS work, and most importantly, to bring HIM the GLORY!!!!