Can you tell from these photos we are loved and are sharing love in the name of Jesus? It is such a blessing to hear “Hermano David” or “Hermano Giovanny”, being yelled by the children anytime they see us throughout the village. This let’s us know that we are loved in return. We are always met with big smiles and big hugs, not because of what we bring, but because we love.

Our Christmas Shoes Project goes on all throughout the year. We are down to just a box of shoes for the smallest of feet, along with clothing for toddlers. We are blessed to have resources in Guatemala to purchase shoes very economically, usually less than $3 per pair. Clothing we have boxes stored in our offices here in Virginia, just awaiting to go on the next flight with us. We are still looking for an economical way to get all these clothes from VA to Guatemala, so if anyone reading this has a solution, please email us.
One of the things we see so often are very small children that appear to be left alone to fend for themselves while their parents work. This breaks our hearts, but is life in Guatemala for these precious little one’s. And this is one of the motivational factors that keep us working as hard as we can to make a difference in their lives. While wiping crud and dirt off these precious little feet, I find some ticklish feet which brings huge smiles and giggles, which is a blessing that blesses us all more in return than our gift to them. We are blessed to be a blessing! When we truly understand this principle, when we bless, we often get the greater return.

We are so blessed to have an incredible team in Guatemala working along side us, with the same vision, the same compassion, and the same love of Jesus having a servants heart. This humility and love is what bonds us on a heavenly level, to do what we do.

God has been incredibly good to us. With each vision, comes a step of faith, and with each step of faith, comes provisions. We have seen God work in just miraculous ways every time we take a step of faith. Just read all the stories on our website, each one a God sized story of provision. From thousands upon countless thousands of pairs of shoes placed on feet, thousands of meals fed over the years, thousands seen through our medical clinic just this year, several miles of water lines, wells in 3 different communities, the list just goes on and on. All for the glory of God! So when we see God work, and we see God provide, why not dream bigger for His glory?
His Hands International 1874 Daniels Road Boydton, VA 23917