We are breaking our projects into smaller fund-raising campaigns as we go along. The next step we need funding for is to put a roof on this building. The cost estimate was $7800 for our steal roof str...Read More
It has been absolutely amazing to sit back and watch God at work. Well, I guess sit back was not the right words to use because we have been full speed ahead trying to keep up! But there have been a f...Read More
After 20 years of serving the LORD here in Guatemala, of all the visions that the LORD has given me, I am the most excited about this next project. After the back-to-back hurricanes flooded the first ...Read More
As a visionary, I often look back over the years at some of the visions I’ve had, to see where they are, in relation to, where we are now. It is truly amazing to see that a majority of those visio...Read More
As we near the close of the year and you are maybe looking to make a donation somewhere, we really could use your help. These past 4 years we have seen incredible growth in our ministry in Guatemala...Read More
This week we began classes in our new multipurpose building. Can you imagine what you would do if you could not read or write? For a majority of American’s this is not a problem because we were ...Read More
[flagallery gid=28] On Sunday October 29, 2017 His Hands International in partnership with Radio Redencion, inaugurated our first church/community center project in Los Limones, Gualan, Guatemala. T...Read More
When my Pastor asked me to put together a vision trip where he could see first hand our ministry in Guatemala, and see how our church could possibly come along side us in the future, I was really exci...Read More
As the services in Limon continue to grow and more people are coming to know the Lord as their Saviour, there became a need for Bibles. So we sent down funds for them to buy 48 Bibles to give out a...Read More
[flagallery gid=16] In June 2015 we walked a new village for us named Limon with our ministry partners at Radio Redencion in Gualan. This little village is located down a dirt path just behind the C...Read More