I never cease to be amazed at how God works and provides. We take whatever gift God has blessed us with and offer it back up to HIM, giving HIM the glory, that is when the miracles begin! For the last...Read More
Each and every year we are blessed by the hand of God. It always amazes me at how much we can do with the little we have to work with each year. Each year as we offer up the donations to God and give ...Read More
Throughout scriptures there is documented healings of all sorts of issues, in all sorts of ways. These healings continue today. Some through the laying on of hands and the prayers of the faithful, som...Read More
What do you see in the photo above? Do you see the craftsmanship of the builder, who with their bare hands, built this abandoned home with materials from the earth? What does this remind you of? Genes...Read More
In February 2022 God willing we will begin our second phase of construction. We will begin the site layout and construction of our retaining walls and drainage systems, and all our foundational footer...Read More
Can you tell from these photos we are loved and are sharing love in the name of Jesus? It is such a blessing to hear “Hermano David” or “Hermano Giovanny”, being yelled by the children anytime...Read More
It is so sad that there are sinful people in this world that are driven by greed and anarchy, no matter where you are located in the world. Unfortunately, the local government clinic that we help run ...Read More
Recently we inaugurated an adobe brick oven in Los Limones. Bakers were on hand to teach the women how to make banana bread and other sweet breads. This is the first of many classes helping them t...Read More
This week we began classes in our new multipurpose building. Can you imagine what you would do if you could not read or write? For a majority of American’s this is not a problem because we were ...Read More
I absolutely love this project and how the community continues to come together and get involved, especially involving the children in teaching them life skills! How do you end poverty? Through ed...Read More
Hand Crafted Bags Are Ready As reported in an earlier story we funded a micro enterprise for the women in Los Limones. We hired a teacher to instruct them how to knit. The women met on Fridays wit...Read More