It never ceases to amaze me at what can be accomplished when you put God first. In less than 2 weeks we were able to take an empty shell of concrete block construction and turn it into something beautiful and inspirational. The days were long 16 hours plus some days, and the weather was hot with a heat index of 112 on a cool day. But no complaints from anyone, because the glory was not for us, but for the Lord and the incredible life changing work this center will begin to inspire young minds to dream.

From the selection of the colors, tiles, stone, railing, doors, windows, plants, and fixtures, every small detail was designed on purpose, to be an inspiration to all who pass and enter, as to the beauty and creation and blessings from God our heavenly Father.
We even had a local artist who does our logos and signs, come up with a Noah’s Ark themed murals for our clinic. Giving the little ones something to look at making our clinic a fun place to visit, not a scary place.
Also, recently we were able to purchase some nice furniture to replace the plastic folding tables and chairs we were using in our meeting room and a beautiful cabinet and desk for the Doctor’s office to replace his plastic folding table and chairs. God gives us the desires of our hearts if we wait patiently for HIM. Psalm 37:4 Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. 5 Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. 6 And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday. 7 Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him.
Waiting patiently sometimes can be a hard thing to do. I have been looking for a specific handcrafted antique style of furniture for our doctor’s office but have waiting patiently for the Lord. The last photo below shows a desk and a hutch, of the exact desk and hutch design that I had envisioned for this space. Keep in mind that I never saw this furniture physically or even in photos before, just in my head from the vision that the Holy Spirit blessed me with. God not only supplies our needs, but the desires of our heart when we are serving HIM.

Our medical clinic is saving lives daily because of the heart of compassion and vision that has been passed down to our staff. We are the hands and feet of Jesus, and it shows in the level of care our patients receive. Our clinic sees on average over 500 patients a month. Most pay nothing some pay equivalent of a few dollars depending on their financial abilities. We operate this clinic by faith, and not once has God not supplied for a need.
We are hoping to add a sonogram machine in the future to help with our prenatal care. We have a thriving program that values the life of the unborn by providing prenatal care for expecting mothers as well as postnatal care. We make sure that mothers and their babies are well nourished to prevent malnutrition and malformations as best as possible. We have ended malnourishment among newborns and infants. We still have a long way to go with general food stability in the community with the older children, but with our Center of Dreams, we hope to address that soon as part of our vision to change the course of their future.
We have some small details to finish up when the Lord provides. We have a countertop to go around the perimeter of our technology classroom, and wooden chairs like we have in our meeting room that need to be purchased and handmade. We have cabinet shelves and doors to go in our kitchen along with a kitchen full of plates, cups, silverware, pots, pans, etc. We need to purchase folding tables and chairs for our main classroom and feeding center. And lastly, we need several large TV monitors for the walls of our classroom, and about a dozen laptops, microscopes, and other science and technology equipment for teaching and learning.
The Lord’s timing has always been perfect in everything we do. So, we wait patiently for the Lord to provide for our needs, because we know He will also provide our desires, for HIS glory.
We are HIS hands, to do HIS work, and to bring HIM the glory!