Earlier this year we began a new teaching and agriculture project with the youth. From the very first planting of the seedling, I saw a spark in their eyes. You can read the previous story on our website Teach A Man To…. – His Hands International. This project was a huge success, and our plans are to continue with this long term. We chose 2 winners, one boy and one girl who showed the most interest and produced the most fruit and vegetables.

The winners of the contest had no idea of what the prize was going to be, as we did not tell them. So, we had a little fun with them asking them what they wanted the prize to be? Pizza, soccer ball, and different fun and silly things we thought of to ask them. They really did not have an answer and were going to be really surprised.

We pulled up to a store and got out of the truck and I began to tell them that their prize for doing the best job was to pick out any bicycle they wanted. You can see the smiles on their faces as they finally learn their prize. Needless to say, they were happy!

We are thankful to WAY in Gualan for helping us with a good price and making sure the bicycles were ready for the children to use right away. Although they may not look happy in this photo because they are not used to being out in a setting like this, trust me they were thrilled!

This was not the only prize they won, or we gave out. We chose 10 additional children who showed the most interest in this program to take on a tour of the greenhouse we purchased the plants from. This tour showed the children how the process takes place from a small seed and goes through the various phases of development. We are grateful to the kind folks at Pilsaza for taking the time to invest in these children’s lives.
And of course, the day would not be complete without FOOD! When the question was asked is anyone hungry? All together at the same time their response was a resounding, SI! (Yes)! We knew the perfect spot, Pollo Campero in Zacapa. The children had a fun time playing, eating, laughing, eating, did I mention eating. This treat was like you and I going out to a fancy restaurant. These children’s diets pretty much consist of corn tortillas and black beans. They consumed at least 3 pieces of chicken each, 4 or 5 tortillas, tons of french fries, and lots of soda, and ice cream.
Because the other children have seen the rewards of learning and taking responsibility, they are all motivated for the next planting. This time we purchased around 800 plants to give out and continue this learning process throughout the community. As I have mentioned in the past, we are not about handouts, rather providing a hand up, in the name of Jesus in practical and lasting ways. If you give a man a loaf of bread, you may feed him for a few days. But, if you give him the knowledge to grow the grains, he needs to make the bread, then you feed him for a lifetime. At the heart of all we do is love and compassion. I Corinthians 13 is known as the love chapter and starts out in verse 1(NKJV): Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. We never want to become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. This is why we wear our hearts on our sleeves, for all to see the love of Jesus flowing through us. We are HIS hands, to do HIS work, and don’t forget the most important part, to give HIM the glory!