The old saying we have all heard; “Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”, we have developed our own version. Teach a child to plant and you will feed him for a lifetime. Additionall...Read More
We have been dropping little hints here and there over the last several weeks on our social media accounts, as to what God has been doing through us. And some videos have been leaked early, but we are...Read More
His Hands Clinic is proudly displayed now on the front of our building. This clinic is a true work and masterpiece of the Masters Hands. He, (God Almighty) is that still small voice that breathed the ...Read More
It is so sad that there are sinful people in this world that are driven by greed and anarchy, no matter where you are located in the world. Unfortunately, the local government clinic that we help run ...Read More
When your primary work is with folks who are struggling to start with, throwing in an infectious virus that shuts down the entire world, that is just devastating. Then add on top of that your ability ...Read More
This incredible story is 3+ years in the making. This beautiful village is nestled in the mountains of Gualan Guatemala, and is home to about 30 families. There are abandoned wells all over the villag...Read More
So many of us go through our day to day routines and not give a second thought to where our water comes from. In fact you don’t even question, if I turn on the faucet will water come out? This is pa...Read More
Initially this project was not on the schedule to complete until later this year. The plan was to extend the water line about 200 yards and install another sink. Giovanny and I decided to drive on dow...Read More
As a visionary, I often look back over the years at some of the visions I’ve had, to see where they are, in relation to, where we are now. It is truly amazing to see that a majority of those visio...Read More
David & Beverly Varner founders of His Hands International first fell in love with the country and people of Guatemala when they took their first mission trip in 2005. Since then the Varner’s ha...Read More