When your primary work is with folks who are struggling to start with, throwing in an infectious virus that shuts down the entire world, that is just devastating. Then add on top of that your ability ...Read More
Well, not really, but really! Earlier this year we received a note and a check for $405 from the Youth Group at Inside Out Church LA https://www.insideoutla.org/ . SHOUT OUT, YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME AND ...Read More
As a visionary, I often look back over the years at some of the visions I’ve had, to see where they are, in relation to, where we are now. It is truly amazing to see that a majority of those visio...Read More
[flagallery gid=3] We were blessed by Gleaning for the World to present another PET for another child unable to walk. This family has two children that can’t walk. Their mother said what a blessing ...Read More