God has been so good to us as we continue to dream bigger, listen for that still small voice of the Holy Spirit, step out in faith, and give GOD the glory for what HE does through us. Each time we ste...Read More
Throughout scriptures there is documented healings of all sorts of issues, in all sorts of ways. These healings continue today. Some through the laying on of hands and the prayers of the faithful, som...Read More
His Hands Clinic is proudly displayed now on the front of our building. This clinic is a true work and masterpiece of the Masters Hands. He, (God Almighty) is that still small voice that breathed the ...Read More
I hear so often that folks are glad 2020 is behind them. As Christians we need to be living everyday for Jesus, regardless of what is going on around us. We are that beacon of hope for others to see J...Read More
It is so sad that there are sinful people in this world that are driven by greed and anarchy, no matter where you are located in the world. Unfortunately, the local government clinic that we help run ...Read More
When your primary work is with folks who are struggling to start with, throwing in an infectious virus that shuts down the entire world, that is just devastating. Then add on top of that your ability ...Read More
What started as a vision 2 years ago has become another reality. As the Holy Spirit whispers into our spirit, we need to have ears to hear. In this world today, with all the shouting and turmoil from ...Read More