The old saying we have all heard; “Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”, we have developed our own version. Teach a child to plant and you will feed him for a lifetime. Additionall...Read More
We have been dropping little hints here and there over the last several weeks on our social media accounts, as to what God has been doing through us. And some videos have been leaked early, but we are...Read More
His Hands Clinic is proudly displayed now on the front of our building. This clinic is a true work and masterpiece of the Masters Hands. He, (God Almighty) is that still small voice that breathed the ...Read More
What started as a vision 2 years ago has become another reality. As the Holy Spirit whispers into our spirit, we need to have ears to hear. In this world today, with all the shouting and turmoil from ...Read More
So many of us go through our day to day routines and not give a second thought to where our water comes from. In fact you don’t even question, if I turn on the faucet will water come out? This is pa...Read More
Just because we named our shoe giving project Christmas Shoes Project, does not mean we only give shoes around Christmas time. If you are not familiar with this project, you can find the story on our ...Read More
As a visionary, I often look back over the years at some of the visions I’ve had, to see where they are, in relation to, where we are now. It is truly amazing to see that a majority of those visio...Read More
[flagallery gid=5]What a true blessing it is when you are able to see first hand the blessing that you are being to others, because you obeyed God’s calling and direction in your life. What a traged...Read More
[flagallery gid=3] We were blessed by Gleaning for the World to present another PET for another child unable to walk. This family has two children that can’t walk. Their mother said what a blessing ...Read More
[flagallery gid=9]We met this baby when we were visiting family in Guatemala. The baby belonged to a family living in the neighborhood that had 7 other children. The family was very poor and Mary ...Read More
[flagallery gid=11]Pastor David who is my good friend and the one who ordained me as a Pastor, asked me several years ago to see how much an electric wheel chair costs for his grandson Jonathan who is...Read More